Scorpions in Tempe-Phoenix, AZ

With natural beauty abounding, residents of Maricopa County revel in the splendor of their surroundings. However, they must also deal with the unfortunate reality of the area. As the sun sets over the picturesque landscape, a less-than-ideal companion arrives on the scene. Scorpions are fairly common in the Tempe and Phoenix areas.

A scorpion sighting can dampen your outdoor enjoyment, and a venomous sting can naturally cause concern. Luckily, on top of treating for mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas, Mosquito Joe offers expert scorpion control services in Tempe-Phoenix, AZ.

Deep sunset over mountainous Arizona landscape

Safeguard Your Property from Stinging Intruders

These clawed critters commonly come out in the evening of warm summer nights, staying relatively inactive during daylight hours. They prefer semi-arid areas, so Maricopa County is a pretty ideal habitat for these elusive creatures.

Additionally, scorpions gravitate toward dark and damp areas. They’ll seek refuge in rotting logs and leaves surrounding your property. Damp foliage, mulch, wood, and straw can all transform into inviting hiding spots for these stinging pests.

What are some steps you can take to make your property in Tempe-Phoenix less appealing to these curious crawlers?

  • Clear debris, trash, and logs from the yard. These are places where scorpions often live and hide.
  • Mow grass and keep your lawn manicured.
  • Repair holes in the side of your Arizona home to ensure these stinging insects don’t make their way indoors.
  • Let Mosquito Joe of Tempe-Phoenix take charge with our professional scorpion control services.

little girl spraying water onto potted succulent plants

Mosquito Joe’s Expert Scorpion Control Near Me

Let Mosquito Joe of Tempe-Phoenix reclaim your yard from worries of scorpions. We want to make sure that you and your family can enjoy the outdoors without any disruptions, even after sunset. Our skilled service professionals will treat the exterior of your Maricopa County home so that scorpions want to stay far away. We use our understanding of the local area and careful pest control skills to treat your property’s specific needs effectively.

Give our team a call today to learn more about our expert scorpion control services in Tempe and Phoenix, AZ. You can also request a free quote online. We look forward to making outside fun again for you soon!

Give us a call!

FAQs about Scorpions in Tempe-Phoenix

How bad is the scorpion problem in Arizona?

Arizona has one of the highest concentrations of scorpions in the US, and they are one of the most common pests in the state. It can be a major concern for people in the area. It’s best to remember to always practice caution and assume that any scorpion you encounter might be a poisonous one.

Are all scorpions poisonous?

Not all scorpions found in Tempe-Phoenix are poisonous. Some do possess venom that can be harmful, but the majority will not cause life-threatening situations if you are stung. Nevertheless, it’s best to practice caution and avoid them. Mosquito Joe can alleviate your concerns with our expert scorpion control services.